Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's here!!!

Tonight is the night!! I am super excited! My 2 sisters, mom and 2 sister-in-laws and I are going together! We are having a little party at my house before we go to the BELLA terra to see the midnight showing! I really enjoyed the first book. I'm still working on the 3rd (I know...everyone else is mad at me too!!), so I need to get reading! I am going to be super tired because we are going out to breakfast afterwards. My sister (who is also pregnant) and I decided that we are going to nap in the theater before the movie starts!! Ya that could really happen!! Anyways, I will post about the movie tomorrow! This is such a huge hit! And, according to my poll, a lot of you are seeing the movie tonight as well. Maybe I will see you there!!


Michelle Marie Walton said...

How was it!

Tiffany J said...

LOVED IT! But more than that....LOVED ALL THE TWILIGHT MALES! SUPER HOTTIES! I was dreaming about them last night. MMMM Good! SO IN LOVE WITH EDWARD!!!!!

It was fun getting together. Seemed like everyone was done after the movie though...maybe dinner before next time? ha ha

Deb said...

So what did you think about it? I LOVED IT! Did you actually go out to breakfast after? Though it did take me awhile to go to sleep once I got in bed. Worth it though!

Anonymous said...

thats s super cute pic/poster.

Rebecca said...

So, what did you think Melanie? I just got home from seeing the movie. It was just ok for me. The acting wasn't up to par and I was laughing at parts that weren't supposed to be funny. The actors overacted a bit. I thought it could have been much better and didn't do the book justice.

Debbie said...

So what did everyone think of it??? I'll bet no one fell asleep in that movie!! I just saw a special on it's premier and I'm still so blown away at how crazy this whole thing has become!

Michelle Marie Walton said...

Loved it! We all knew it couldn't better than the book, but it was still great! When they were at the kissing part, I started laughing because all the young girls got so excited! I wish it was longer! I'm glad I read the book first!