Monday, December 28, 2009

7 months old

Time is sure flying with this little guy of mine! I can't believe he's 7 months already! Here is a cute picture that we captured of him. It looks great on the wall...especially since the picture we had before was when he was 6 weeks!! He has 2 teeth on the bottom and the top ones are on their way in. He's scooting all over the place. He sits unassisted and rolls like crazy. He's a lot of fun!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where's Derek?

Where's my baby?
I see you!!!
He's so funny!!!

Bath time!

I love when babies are big enough to sit in the sink without having to use that bulky baby bath! Derek loves the bath!! Here's some cute pictures!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon!!!

It's finally here!!! I am sooo excited!! I am going to see it on Saturday night!! When are you going??

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!! Or, as Lindsey would say "Happy Famileen!!! So funny!! We had a fun Halloween week. Thursday night we went to Uncle Steve & Aunt Tiffany's house for a pajama movie night. The kids watched "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and we had popcorn, candy and Root Beer (and orange) floats! It was lots of fun!! Then on Friday night we went to our Ward party and the kids went trick-or-treating from car to car (trunk-or-treating). They had games and food and a costume contest for different age groups. Lindsey won for Most Adorable!! Saturday night we went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood with our friends. Then we headed back to their house, joined by another family and played a fun game all night! We had a great time!! What a fun week!!

Pirate Skeleton, Ninja, Witch, Tinkerbell and a cute little pumpkin!

Silly Grandma with Derek

The trick-or-treat bags that I made for the kids

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our Spooky Dinner

I'm a little late at posting this, but at least it's before Halloween, right?? We have had our traditional spooky dinner for about 6 years now (maybe longer). We have done it by ourselves but have found that it's more fun to invite people! This year we invited some friends (as opposed to family like we have in the past). It's always so much fun that I want to do another one!! LOL

We have bloody worms and eyeballs for our meal (spaghetti and meatballs). Our friends brought large mummy fingers...but when we cut it up, it just looked like moldy bread...even better!! They also brought a salad topped with olives (black) and carrots (orange)...very festive. We had slime to drink (lemonade) and we only have candles lit. I have Halloween music playing in the background and we use Halloween plates and cups and napkins. Something else that we do is make up place cards. We look up spooky words and such and match them to our names. We have Dangerous Daddy, Monster Mommy, Evil Evan, Terrifying Tyler, Haunted Heidi, Lifeless Lindsey and Daunting Derek. We also do this for our guests. We have quite a collection of names!!!

We really look forward to this night every year. Thanks to the Browns for joining us this year!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am so happy! I have finally sent off my last "pay it forward". It was so much fun making things for people! You know those blocks that I have posted on here (and on Facebook)? Well...that's what I made for my blocks! I really hope that you enjoy them!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Crafts 'n stuff...

My sister had this project that she wanted to do for all of her siblings one year for Christmas, but never got around to it. When we got together a couple weekends ago, she brought it over and we all made our own. I think it turned out really cute!!

Also, I received this cute blanket from my sister-in-law M as my pay it forward gift. It has ties on the end and you tie it to the stroller and it has warm, snuggly fabric on the underside (the brown). I don't have to worry about the blanket falling off and running over it! Pretty clever, huh? We saw it a couple years ago at a craft fair and she said that it was easy to make. I get one! Yay!! It's really cute and I used it for the first time today. And, of course, it has monkeys on it! :-)

And, I had to post this picture of my little guy. He is getting so big. He sat in my sister's exersaucer the other day and loved it! So, I had Ryan pull down the walker and he loves sitting in there. He is so curious! He wants to see everything and doesn't want to miss a thing!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My little monsters!


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Monday, October 5, 2009

Scentsy Party

Have you heard of Scentsy? If not, check it out here. Scentsy candles are leadless, flameless, wickless and smokeless. I have really enjoyed having one in my home. I am hosting a party at my home on Tuesday, October 13th. All are welcome to come and smell all the wonderful scents that they have!! Would love to see you!!

School Pictures

Some of you will remember my post last year about how expensive school pictures are. So, once again, I did the pictures at home. I think they turned out good!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pay it forward

I have delivered all but 1 of my pay it forward gifts. Ladies...I hope you like what I made for you! I have 1 left...but we are doing a Super Saturday craft day and it is being used as a sample.'s coming!

And...for all of you that did a Pay it Forward on your blog...don't forget about it! It's fun!

Friday, September 18, 2009


I posted this on Facebook, but thought I would post it on here as well...

Ok all my fellow Twlighters...I need your help. I am part way through chapter 13 in Eclispe (I know, I know...) and I haven't read for almost a year. So, what happened before chapter 13? And I want the short version of what happened to Jasper (chapter 13 is sooo long!)!! Thanks!!!

I really want to keep reading but don't remember what I have already read...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

1st day of school

I can't believe the summer is over. I mean, I have been dying to get the kids back to school and now they are! Ok...that sounded bad...I like to have a routine...I think that the kids do better with that as well. During the summer the TV would be on 'til noon, still in pj's 'til then as well, playing Wii a little bit later. Just was fun for a while, but I'm glad that is over with.

They are all really excited about their teachers. Evan has Mrs. Slingerland, Tyler has Mrs. Allison (my first repeat teacher!), and Heidi has Mrs. Morris/Mrs. Shinhofen (I know I spelled that wrong!!). I am very happy about their teachers and the kids are excited to be back to see their friends.

It was a little tough for me to let Heidi go. She's on the big playground now. I was a little teary-eyed, but she was so excited! Evan was too cool to even say good-bye to me. I finally found him and waved. I did get a wave back, so I guess I am thankful for that!! Tyler was so excited, but still said good-bye to us...even with a hug!

Lindsey wanted to be in the pictures too, so she grabbed her backpack!!! So cute! And, I had to post a picture of Derek. He's getting so big!! He rolled over from back to front. He's almost 4 months!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Check out Heidi...

She's ready to start 1st grade! She looks so cute!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm an Auntie again!

My brother Steve and his wife Tiffany just had a baby boy...they named him Ashton Jon. This is the second time that we were pregnant together. And this time we both had boys! I am so excited for Derek and Ashton to grow up together and be close cousins!

I was able to go to the hospital with my parents to meet this cutie pie. At first glance he looked like my brothers. But, he really looks like his older brother Brady. He was 7 pounds 11 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long...he really is long! But, he's got really tall parents! Welcome to the family, baby Ashton!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Remember when I did that "pay it forward" post? Well, I have finally decided what I am going to do for my winners. Yes, I know, I had a year and it definitely hasn't been a year yet. So...Cory, Liesl, Jennifer, Christina & Mandy...get ready! I hope you like what I am doing for you! Hopefully I get it done soon! Let me know when you get it and post a picture on your blog! So excited!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I just love this BIG gummy smile!

Tyler's Baptism

Jenks Grandparents

Silly Grandma (Bremer)

All of the wonderful men that helped out with the confirmation

I can't believe that Tyler is baptized! How wonderful! A baby blessing and a baptism within a month of each other. We have been totally blessed!

Tyler's day was wonderful. We got to have our own little baptism. We had so many friends and family there to support us. He hand-picked who he wanted to take part in the program. Aunt Jamie and Aunt Tiffany gave WONDERFUL talks! Very visual and kid-friendly! I am so thankful that he chose to be baptized. He is growing up so fast! Good job Tyler!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Something cute...

I have been a little crafty lately with my awesome friend! She always has such creative ideas and she invites me over to teach me how to do them! We have done a couple sets of these blocks and this is the most recent one we did. I have a strawberry kitchen and I thought it would be fun to use that theme to decorate the blocks. For now, they are sitting on my kitchen table. I think they turned out really cute, don't you? I love them!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


So, I changed the look of my blog and added a banner, but I don't know how to make it cute other than through blogger. I tried using "Paint", but I'm not sure how to use that program. So, if anyone would like to take a stab at it, I would love it!! You can find the banner here. I would love to see what you can come up with!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So cute!

Is this picture so cute or what?! I just love this little guy!

Friday, June 26, 2009

My little girl is 3!

I can't believe that my little girl is 3! She's been my baby for so long. In fact, I still call her baby. She is such a funny girl. We love her to pieces and are so thankful that she is part of our family.

We had a Tinker Bell birthday party for her last weekend. It was cute. I tried to get her to wear a Tinker Bell costume, but she wouldn't. She had a fit during the party as you can see in one of the pictures below. I'm ready to leave the Terrible 2's behind, but not so sure about the Terrifying 3's!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Baby Announcement

Here's our baby announcement (it's in the header for all you google readers). It turned out so cute! My cousin helped me make it (thanks Kayli!). I had the idea and the program but had no idea how to use it. I emailed the pictures that I wanted along with the font and told her the colors and this is what she came up with! I love it!! It's so cute! I just had to share!

My little guy is 3 weeks old now...I can't believe it. He is such a good baby. He only cries when he is hungry. The kids love him. He is so sweet!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My sweet baby boy!

He's here! My sweet little boy is here! And I couldn't be happier!

WARNING: This paragraph is going to tell the labor and delivery story. It's not graphic, but if you don't want to read it, you have been warned! I started having contractions at 3:07 a.m. on Tuesday morning. The were about 10 minutes apart (sometimes 12, sometimes 8) for a whole hour. So, not wanting to go through what I did with the last baby (in the hospital for less than an hour before she was born), we left for the hospital. I was dilated to 6...not too shabby. I got hooked up to the IV, and then got the blessed epidural. nice! Instead of my contractions being a 10, they were a 5 (on a scale from 1-10). It was wonderful!! I progressed from a 6 to an 8 and then 9 pretty quick. The doctor came in a broke my water around 8:30 a.m. (it was bulging and hadn't popped on it's own yet). Then close to 9 o'clock, I told Ryan to go get the doctor because I felt like I needed to push. Sure enough...I was a 10! The doctor told me to go ahead and push on the next contraction. I did and out came his head! Second push and he was out!! So wonderful!

We named him Derek Ray (Ray was Ryan's dad's name...appropriate, I think!). He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce, and was 19 1/2 inches long. He was born at 9:04 a.m. on Tuesday, May 19th. He's a redhead! He is so cute and sweet! He looks a lot like Ryan. He is such a good baby! I love him to pieces already! He is a week old today and I can't believe it.

I am so happy to have him out and in our lives. He truly is a blessing. The kids love him and always want to hold's cute! Enjoy the pictures of my sweet little guy!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Not yet...

No baby yet. Not even any contractions! Crazy! So, stay tuned!

On another topic, today is the one year anniversary of my father-in-law's death. I can't believe it has been a year. He was a good man and truly loved my children. We watched a picture slide show today (it was shown at the funeral) and totally cried. There is a picture of Grandpa with each of my children and it made me sad that I won't have any pictures of him with our new little guy. But, I know that he sent him to us and that he has been taking care of him. He just needs to let him come be with us now! :-) Everyone was kinda hoping that the baby would be born today so that we have something happy to think about today. Well, the day is not over yet...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Catch up!'s been a very long time since I have posted anything. Sorry to my avid readers! This is what the rest of April had in store for us...

We had a wonderful Easter. TONS of Easter egg hunts that weekend. A tea party at Grandma's with a hunt after, a ward hunt the next day as well as my mom's Annual Easter Egg Hunt with a pinata and all, and then Easter Sunday was dinner and a hunt at my mother-in-law's house. Busy but fun! We had so much candy!!

We also celebrated our oldest son turning 10. Good grief! He got to spend the day with my parents and sister at Disneyland. He got home really late...good thing it was Spring Break!

Another celebration in April was our 12 year anniversary. Time sure flies!! I have been in love with the same man for 12 years!! Who would have thought since I was so fickle as a teen?!? haha!! He is the best husband ever!!

I am down to my last 2 weeks of pregnancy and I can't even believe it!! I can't believe this little guy is going to be here so soon! I have waited a long time and it's weird that it will be over soon. The crib is set up, the changing table has been sanded and repainted. It looks so nice...I will post pictures soon. I have been cleaning around here...NESTING...just trying to keep things organized. My bag is packed; I'm on weekly appointments (every Friday) which means I only have 2 left! I am just ready to be hold my little baby and to have my body back. I would love to be able to roll over in bed easily and to be able to walk normally!! Ahh...the things we take for granted when we're not pregnant.

I hope that the next post is about our new little miracle! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Shower

I am a little late at posting this, but a couple of weeks ago my sweet sisters and sister-in-laws threw me a baby shower. I haven't had one of those in so long! It was fun! They did a great job! The invites were cute, the prizes looked so fancy, the decorations (a rubber ducky theme) were awesome and the food was yummy! It was a small turn-out, but I think a nice time was had by all. It was fun to see family and friends and I thank you for all your love and support! Here are some pictures from that day...

This is a blanket that my mom made for the baby. She has done this with each of her grandkids! It's so cute! It's light blue and light green with a Precious Moments animal print (which includes perfect!!)

My sisters and sister-in-law (minus 1) who threw the shower for me.

My awesome friends! I can always count on them! I love you guys!

Cute decorations!

P.S. - Thanks to "M" for taking pictures for me!!