Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So a couple weeks ago Ryan and I celebrated out 13 year anniversary! That seems so crazy! I can't believe it! I still remember our wedding day very vividly. It was a wonderful day. We had all our siblings there. The reception was huge. Usually people come and go but people stayed! We had to pull out chairs to put against the wall!! Crazy! We felt so loved and we so in love that day. Well, it's 13 years and 5 kids later. Life gets in the way a little too much! Gotta make more hubby and wifey time. Doesn't happen very much! :-( Anyways...I married the best man for me! He is wonderful!! cute! :-)

My family...look how young we all look!!!

Ryan's them!

The cake!! :-) We were nice! ♥


Deb said...

Happy Anniversary!

Carina said...

Happy belated anniversary! I totally remember your wedding reception...what was I, like 13 or 14? I can never remember how far apart we are in age (I just turned 28). I love the pictures--brings back some memories of Easter egg hunts and nativity scenes growing up =)

Team Smith Adventures said...

So cute! You guys look like little kids. Thanks for posting! :)

The Greathouse Family said...

You look so beautiful! It's amazing to see the woman and mother you've become!

Brianne said...

Happy Belated Anniversary, cousin! I hope you had a wonderful one =)

Tiffany J said...

Mel, I had NO idea your anniversary passed!!! I hope you were able to have some "hubby/wifey time" that day!! SO important! Anyway, Congrats on 13!!! Crazy!