Monday, July 21, 2008

Memory Tag...YOU'RE IT!!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

No one has any memories of me??? How sad!! :-(


Kyla Armstrong said...

I remember singing a duet with you at a Primary Board meeting and thinking - she's got a great voice!

Tiffany J said...

I remember the first time I met you at your apt in Anaheim. We played games with Drew & Krystal and had "better than sex" cake...that was A LOT of fun...can we have another game night please! ha ha Love those...

BubbaandM said...

I have lots of memories of you! The one I will treasure for forever is when you invited me over for a game night to meet an awesome man....not knowing I would one day marry him!

Full House said...

You're a great friend!! You already know one of mine is the debate whether Tiffany or Debbie Gibson was better. Good times. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Hopefull I will get some posted of the kids soon.

Mama Bear said...

One thing that I'll always remember is that we were always pregnant together or close to it with our last three and we always had the opposite gender. What ever you guys had we just knew we were having the opposite..and it was true! Your a great Sister n Law. Your very talented. We Love and miss you guys tons!

Mason Family said...

Hello Melanie I hope you remember me Tiffiny (STOCK) Mason, My mom Vicki gave my your blog so i thought i would try and keep in touch with your family. I remeber the Tree house in your back yard playing and eating hot dogs i believe. I hope we can catch up, your family is cute i can't believe how fast kids grow up. Well hopefully we will talk soon, I put yours and steves on my blog to catch up. Talk to you soon

Evie said...

I remember the first time we met was at my Aunt and Uncles home(your inlaws) when I came to visit and show off my new baby Ashlyn. I was so happy for Ryan and surprised to see my "little" cousin was a married man!

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

Oh Melanie! I have a memory of you. You came to our wedding reception like four days after you had your second baby! I was in awe that A.) you looked so good and B.) you were laid back enough to bring your new baby to a typical crazy mormon reception. You are a stud! And you gave us a cute crystal picture frame that still has our wedding picture in it!

Liesl said...

Let's see...there are so many to choose from! How about the Clay Aiken concert that we went to together? That was such a blast! Or how about scrapbooking and making cards each Tuesday night? Or how about being in Young Women together in the Anaheim First Ward? So many memories...

The Greathouse Family said...

I'm sorry it's taken a long time to post a memory! I've been on vacation and then just busy... Anyway, I remember when you got to the old GG9th and you were one of the younger girls that I didn't really know. I was so impressed with your vivaciousness and self-confidence! I wished that I could be more like that! You seemed to be able to go out with any guy you set your heart on- well, except for the one that eluded us both! Hee!Hee! Those were the days!