Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Ok, so as you can tell, I changed the look of my blog. But, I lost all of my contacts!! So, if you are a reader of my blog and you DON'T see your name on the side, please e-mail me with your blog address so that I can add you. I miss having you as my daily read! Please help!! Thanks so much!!


jennmom2000 said...

I think you lost mine! stockards.

its an easy one!

Tiffany J said...

Well you have me so I'm good! ha ha So you've also discovered Pyzam! Love iT!

Kyla Armstrong said...

The new blog look is so fun!

Cory said...


Karin said...

I don't know if you ever had mine, but i very much enjoy reading about the family. The Fishers

Rebecca said...

Hey Melanie,
I don't think you had my link, it's private so I'll have to send you an invite through email. This is Rebecca Huffaker...I found you a little bit ago and have been reading about your fam. Funny thing is...I know mamafisher from the previous comment, we were in the same ward in Whittier for 6 1/2years. Small world!