Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Ok, so as you can tell, I changed the look of my blog. But, I lost all of my contacts!! So, if you are a reader of my blog and you DON'T see your name on the side, please e-mail me with your blog address so that I can add you. I miss having you as my daily read! Please help!! Thanks so much!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


What is it about Santa that is so scary? I don't understand!! All our kids were freaked out to sit on his lap at Lindsey's age. We had Breakfast with Santa on Saturday and Lindsey wanted nothing to do with Santa, as you can tell. Poor thing! And we were forcing her to sit there just so that we could get a picture! We are such mean parents!

Family Night at Downtown Disney

So, we took the kids to Downtown Disney and the hotels to look at all the lights and decorations. We had fun taking pictures. The kids were really good and we all had a fun time. We really like this time of year because we make sure that we do things together as a family and just enjoy each other. By the way, Evan took that picture of Ryan and I. Pretty good!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Among all the hustle and bustle...

We had a really nice lesson on Sunday at Church. It was about making sure that the Christ is the center of Christmas. Unfortunately I was only able to enjoy the first portion of the lesson because the rest of the time I was walking the halls with my ALMOST 18-month-old (can't wait!!). But, it's true that there are so many things that happen this time of year. I sometimes hate turning the calendar to December because it fills up so fast. But, all the things that happen...I love. Like family nights and parties. It's just hard to balance all of them. Oh, and then to remember Christ during all of this. I am especially going to try to make sure that my children know the true meaning of Christmas. They are good about saying that it's Jesus' birthday, but they need to understand and realize the importance of this special holiday. I truly enjoy getting together with family and sharing stories and just being in a room filled with love. Hey...that's the meaning of Christmas right there! Christ has so much love for us and being with those we love shows that.

We are doing something fun with the kids for Family Night tonight. I will have pictures to post in the next day or so. Merry Christmas!!