Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fall Subway Art

So I have been loving Subway Art and since it is September, I was hunting for something cute to put in my frame. I didn't really see anything that tickled my fancy!! So, I made my own! I thought I would share. I just printed it out of my printer on computer paper and it looks just fine! Just trim around the edges to make it fit an 8x10 frame.

I don't know how to do the whole "download" thing. So if someone wants to tell me, that would be great!! Or can you just copy and paste my picture?? I don't know...

Monday, June 6, 2011


My awesome friend Kyla is doing a giveaway all week long. I can't believe she has 1000 followers!!

Check it out!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I am so excited for Saturday. It is a big day for our family!! Heidi will be getting baptized and right after Evan will receive the priesthood!! Such awesome events!! We are thrilled at the decisions that our children have made. Mother's Day will truly be an emotional one because that will be Evan's first time passing the sacrament. I'm teary-eyed just thinking about it! We are so proud of our kids!!

(This is the invitation that I made. It was my first time using PhotoShop. That's a hard program. I don't even know what I did or how I did it!! haha!!)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring Boutique

So...I have been recruited to do another boutique. Wish me luck and stop by and say hi!

Ryan's birthday

Ryan had been complaining about his broken down BBQ for a long time so I thought that would be the perfect gift for him for his birthday. I invited a few people to help pitch in for it. I drove him to Lowe's with his eyes closed and he really had no idea why we were there. There were a whole bunch of BBQ's outside the store so I said, "Let's just stop here!". "Really??" was his reply. Super excited. And he loves it! So, come on over for a BBQ!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Daddy-Daughter Dance

I know...I'm a big time blog slacker. My apologies. But, it's so much easier and faster to upload pictures to Facebook, so that's where my pictures tend to go. is a super cute picture to make up for my lack of blogging.

Tonight is the Daddy-Daughter Dance at the school. Heidi isn't feeling too well...swollen tonsils, but really, really, really wanted to spend a date night out with Daddy. So, they went. I have to tell you about her dress. It is the bridesmaid dress that my little sister wore to my wedding. She was almost 9 at the time. She is also wearing a Cinderella slipper necklace. That was the theme of my wedding. And Ryan dressed in blue to match her. Very sweet! I hope they are able to enjoy the night at least for a little while!