Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Birthday boy

I can't believe it! My baby is 1 today!! I am so not happy about this!! I want him to stay small. When I was pregnant with #5...we got lots of flack from people. It was a really rough pregnancy emotionally. But...I didn't care (for the most part!) what people said because I knew that he was supposed to be a part of our family. My regular readers will probably remember how he came to be (not the birds and the bees story...the cool story). If not, you can check it out here. He is a wonderful little boy. The rest of my kids just love him to pieces! He truly is a blessing! I love you, my sweet baby Derek! Our life wouldn't be complete without you.

Some stats for your reading enjoyment: he has 7 teeth...almost 8, he is walking ALL over the place now (crazy!), a month or so ago he weighed 24 1/2 pounds. We'll see what he is like tomorrow. He loves to eat...duh! He's my chunky monkey! He gets excited when he sees dogs...and food! I love this little guy!

Gag me!! Gotta love prego pictures!!

My newest son!

I love how peaceful he looks when he's sleeping!

Here's his 1 year old picture. Such a big boy!

Dallas Cowboy Romo Jersey from his Aunt Wendie...I had to post this...soo cute!!


karen said...

Aww so cute !! I didn't know people gave you a hard time w this pregnancy ! But derek is so cute !! I like his cowboy jersery !! Hopefully they will make it to superbowl since we are hosting superbowl in jan/feb 2011 and its like 20 min from my house !

Cory said...

happy birthday to the big guy!! awesome. It goes by too fast!!!

Team Smith Adventures said...

On Sunday Scott was trying to get me to steal your baby, FYI.